best blogs for English teacher or interested in learning English

     Hey everyone, 

    It's me irem. Welcome to my post. If you are an english teacher or interested in teaching english and want to improve yourself, it will be very useful for you to benefit from blogs. There are millions of blogs on the Internet, but we need to research which ones contain reliable and useful information. For this reason, I will share with you five blogs that I like, trust and follow.

1- Film English ( click for blog)

    Film English is an online website and blog where English teachers can find short film lesson plans, feature film watching guides and other teaching resources. This blog that you can find material by level, theme and genre is written by Kieran Donaghy, a college teacher, teacher trainer, and materials writer. In this blog, Teachers can purchase individual lesson plans and viewing guides. Basically, in Film English, a video is prepared in each lesson plan within the framework of language level, student type, time, activity and subject.

2- So, You Think You Can Teach ESL (click for blog)

    This blog that written by Ketan Hein give teachers a place where they can share ideas, tips, critique and discuss education and teaching. I love his idea for creating a forum for English language teachers to critique each other’s ideas for how to improve our education system and English language teaching. And the design of blog is really nice.

3-Cambridge University Press (click for blog)

    This blog focused on meeting the needs of their learners, authors and customers by bringing research, teaching, learning and assessment together. They also provide academics with access to high-quality, digital  materials that enhance understanding.

4- Blog de Cristina (Click for blog)

    This blog written by Cristina Cabal is very useful for ESL teachers or students. There lots of lesson plans, reading, speaking, pronunciation and vocabulary activities. But the most exciting thing in this blog is teaching with songs. They have been awarded hearts according to the difficulty of the song or the proposed activity, being Five Hearts the maximum difficulty. So you can look at the level when choosing a song.

5- Teaching ESL Online (click for blog)

    This blog guides us on how we can teach English on the Internet. It explains us step by step what to do. Considering we live in the age of technology, it sounds great that teachers have such a guide to set up their own online sites and teach.


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