First podcasting experience

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    Hey everyone. It's me İrem,

Today, I tried podcasting with my friend Naz for the first time. We were very excited and nervous as it was our first time. We asked 10 Marmara University students to briefly explain the benefits of technology in education. Respondents all agree on the magnitude of the technology's benefits. According to some answers, technology allows us to save time and energy, while also allowing us to learn while having fun. Moreover, it enables us to access information very easily. Nowadays, it seems very difficult to stay up-to-date without using technology, and integrating technology into education. Technology can be a lifesaver. If I have to talk about the recording process, we did not encounter any difficulties or problems in our podcast recording and interview process. it was a very fun experience. You can reach my friend's blog and our podcast from the link below, I hope you like it.

See you in the next post, goodbye.

💓Click for our podcast

💓Click for Zeynep Naz Bolova’s blog


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